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  • Chenyang Fuyang Neighborhood Committee Group 1, Sheyang County Development Zone, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province (Industrial Concentration Zone)

What changes have occurred in the construction process after adding Asphalt High Viscosity Agent?

Publish Time: 2024-10-09
1. Material preparation stage

After adding Asphalt High Viscosity Agent, more delicate operations are required in the material preparation stage. First, the amount of tackifier should be accurately measured to ensure that its addition ratio meets the design requirements. Since different tackifiers may have different forms, such as powder, liquid, etc., corresponding measures need to be taken during storage and handling. For example, liquid tackifiers require special containers for storage to prevent leakage and contamination. At the same time, the selection of asphalt also needs to be more stringent to ensure that the quality and performance of asphalt can be well matched with the tackifier. At this stage, the raw materials also need to be tested to ensure that they meet the construction standards.

2. Mixing process

During the mixing process, the construction process has changed significantly after the addition of Asphalt High Viscosity Agent. Due to the addition of tackifier, the mixing time may need to be appropriately extended to ensure that the tackifier can be fully mixed with the asphalt. At the same time, the mixing temperature also needs to be adjusted. Generally speaking, after adding tackifier, the mixing temperature may be increased to promote the activation of the tackifier and achieve the best effect. During the mixing process, it is also necessary to pay close attention to the operating status of the mixing equipment to ensure that it can work properly and will not adversely affect the performance of the viscosity enhancer. In addition, in order to ensure the quality of the mixing, it may be necessary to increase the number of mixing times or adopt a special mixing process.

3. Spreading and compaction

During the paving and compaction stages, corresponding adjustments are also required after adding Asphalt High Viscosity Agent. Due to the effect of the viscosity enhancer, the performance of the asphalt mixture may change, such as increased viscosity and reduced fluidity. Therefore, during the paving process, the speed and parameters of the paver need to be adjusted to ensure that the mixture can be evenly spread on the road surface. At the same time, the compaction process also needs to be more rigorous. Due to the increase in viscosity, the compaction difficulty may increase, and a larger compaction power and more compaction times are required to ensure the density and flatness of the road surface. During the compaction process, it is also necessary to pay attention to temperature control to ensure that compaction is carried out within the appropriate temperature range to give full play to the effect of the viscosity enhancer.

4. Quality inspection and maintenance

After adding Asphalt High Viscosity Agent, quality inspection and maintenance work also become more important. After the construction is completed, the road surface needs to be strictly inspected for quality, including indicators such as flatness, density, and thickness. At the same time, the effect of the viscosity enhancer needs to be tested, such as viscosity, high temperature stability and other properties. If quality problems are found, they need to be dealt with in a timely manner. During the maintenance stage, due to the effect of the viscosity enhancer, the performance of the road surface may vary, and a corresponding maintenance plan needs to be formulated according to the actual situation. For example, it may be necessary to extend the maintenance time, take special maintenance measures, etc. to ensure the quality and service life of the road surface. In short, after adding Asphalt High Viscosity Agent, the construction process needs to be adjusted and optimized in many aspects to ensure the construction quality and road performance.

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